
IF Formula in Excel

 IF Formula   IF function is Logical function which is used to perform a logical test. Example =IF(A1>33,”P”,”F”)  Result - P The value of Cell A1 is 50 which is greater than 33. The logical test is, IF the value is greater than 33 then result would be P else the result would be F. So the result is P.

Excel TRIM Formula

 TRIM Formula   This formula is used to remove unnecessary space in a cell or Text. Example =TRIM(A1) Cell A1 has unnecessary space between Ram__Kumar __Gupta, so it removes unnecessary space and give RESULT = Ram_Kumar_Gupta.

Excel LEN Formula

 LEN Formula  This formula is used to calculate the number of character in a cell or Text. Example =LEN(A1) Result - 6 Cell A1 value is Shivam which has 6 Character length.

Excel MAX Formula

 MAX Formula  This formula is used to get the maximum value in cells or Range. Example =MAX(A1:A5) Result = 9 (See below)

MIN Formula in Excel

 MIN Formula  This formula is used to get the minimum value in cells or Range. Example =MIN(A1:A5) Result = 2 (See Image Below)

AVERAGE in Excel

 AVERAGE Formula  This basic formula in excel is used to get the average of the value in one or more cells or range. Example - 1 =AVERAGE(A1:A5)   Result = 4 (See Image below)


 COUNTBLANK formula  COUNTBLANK function is used to count blank values in the range. (Note: Only Space in a cell will not be considered as a blank cell). Example - 1 =COUNTBLANK(A1:A5) Result = 2  This will calculate the number of blank cell in Range. See Image below